Hello! This is Jay. I am a media ecologist, welcome to my plot! I like to sow seeds and nurture them so they can one day grow into healthy trees that become a part of the lush, global media rainforest. If you like planting trees, literally and metaphorically, I think we will get along just fine. You can know more about me by checking out the menu bar on the top right corner. Otherwise, you are more than welcome to lay down besides me and just enjoy the beautiful, blue sky.

My Trees
I started Portico Media 15 years ago in 2004, after returning to Taiwan from Northern California. I was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, but grew up in Davis, California. I went to UC Berkeley and studied Political Economy of Industrialized Societies (PEIS) which sadly doesn’t exist anymore but this interdisciplinary major provided me a lens with which to analyze the world. Later, I studied law at UC Hastings knowing that my career path would entail creative and entrepreneurial adventures. So here I am, some 25 years later! I am extremely privileged to have studied, lived and worked in the US, Germany, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. Now, I want to play it forward as much as I can.
So I plant.
I am a content aggregator, distributor, marketer, producer, and activist. I run companies, platforms, channels, festivals, shows, social-political campaigns, and a family. That’s a lot of titles and frankly sometimes it could be quite exhausting, but I am energized by the fact that, with each endeavor, I am nurturing “trees” that can bring value to the industry and joy to the world.
Below are my trees.
Let’s Plant Together
We are always looking for ways to grow together and to synergize with passionate people from around the world. We are a savvy, mission-oriented media company with a strong will and track-record of creating win-win-win combinations for all interested parties, and by that we mean: the stakeholders, our communities, and overall society. And we like to have fun.